ExitMan Deluxe is a perfectly adequate game for its low asking price. When it works, it’s a fun, reaction based game that’ll stir your competitive spirit and keep you entertained for a fair few hours.
As I've played almost every fishing experience that you can find on the big black box, I thought I'd attempt to rank them, nailing a list consisting of 5 of the best fishing games on Xbox One, if you will.
It is the final week of Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges for Series 29 over in Forza Horizon 5, and as always we can hope that the Series goes out with a bang, rather than a whimper.Â
Beautiful Sakura: Surfing Club is perhaps the most cynical, half-hearted attempt at weedling £10 out of someone’s pockets, and no amount of baby-oil and AI-generated creepy-fingers can justify its existence. If this is the future of gaming then stop the bus, because we’re getting off.Â
The story and narrative of Tardy will keep you going. It's a pulpy thrill ride across a planet with AI at the forefront and themes of friendship and companionship mixed in.